YouTube Learn
- Portfolio Link: https://youtubelearn.vercel.app/
- GitHub Link:
We all know that YouTube is the best free resource for learning new skills. Think of the comprehensive list of Python tutorials, Piano tutorials for Beginners, or DSA tutorials. However, it has so many distractions that it’s impossible to focus on anything and finish a study without thinking about other things.
YouTube Learning app helps you save your favorite playlists outside YouTube so you can watch them at your convenience. Watching YouTube tutorials outside YouTube can help you avoid distractions and focus on one goal at a time, especially if you have ADHD or tend to procrastinate.
How YouLearn Can Help

Here’s how YouLearn can help:
- We allow you to sort your favorite videos in playlists that you can share with friends and collaborate on projects
- You can sort playlists by topic or YouTube channel or view the latest tutorials that other users have played.
- Avoid YouTube Ads and create a custom YouTube design to avoid distractions while studying.
How to Use YouLearn

Here are the steps to use the platform:
- Go to YouTube and create or select your favorite playlist and copy the Playlist ID.
- Navigate to the YouLearning App and create or select a topic of your choice
- Click on the subject and create a new playlist on the platform. If the playlist exists, the platform will update your details.
- We’ll collect all the videos in that playlist and list them for you below. Now select the playlist you want to watch and start playing.
- NextJS and ReactJS frameworks
- PostgreSQL and Prisma for Databases
- Tailwind and ShadCN on the frontend
- Vercel for hosting
Source Code
- App Link: https://youtubelearn.vercel.app/
- Git clone: Private: Contact me at content@alexmuiruri.com for source code